Saturday, September 18, 2010

Life is but a dream

Tonight in my kitchen ...

...I have a niece helping me make brownies before we watch a movie. Preferably 'My Neighbor Totoro' but 'Robots' will do, too since she is betting I'll "laugh my head off" or else she will be eating her shirt - yes, we made a bet.

...We went on an errand and I found a few new envelopes of herbs for my backyard garden. My Parsley and Coriander died when we were traveling this summer so I am trying out some new ones. I planted Thyme, Rosemary and Dill in little pots (these are all $5 at WalMart right now and too cute) as soon as we got home and will keep an eye on them on my kitchen counter everyday.

...Smiley is begging to go outside. I refuse to let him though since he's twice gotten himself lost and I'm just not OK with that. He is pretty sure he's a lion and the backyard is the African wilds. Squirrels and possums are his Gazelles. He sometimes tries to soften my resolve by swirling around on the floor and looking cute and fluffy - but it doesn't work this time.

...As I sit here Kevin and Karina are talking in the living room and playing with Kevin's devil sticks. The brownies are starting to smell lush and Karina has come in a couple times to take a swipe of batter from the bowl with one finger.

And...that's all. Just a little segment of my evening. Happy weekend. =)

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